Research aids and indexes have been prepared for several major sources of information about WA railways. These aids generally represent many hours of work by members and volunteers and are a valuable resource to locate details you may be seeking.
Beginning in 1896, the WA Government Railways (WAGR) issued a Weekly Notice to employees. Each issue contained notices about employee movements, timetable changes, temporary restrictions due to trackwork, station openings or changes, track diagrams, and other information.
A detailed summary has been prepared by Rail Heritage WA member Peter Hopper and can be read here.
The original Weekly Notices can be read in the State Library of WA. A set is also held by Rail Heritage WA archives.
The Government Gazette contains official state government notices and in early years this included many notices relevant to the state railways such as proclamations of new lines, changes of names, and even complete timetables and rule books.
A summary of railway-related entries in the Government Gazette is being progressively prepared by member Peter Hopper and the work completed thus far can be read here:
The Government Gazettes can be read in the State Library of WA, and are also available online here.
Rail Heritage WA is the WA member of an Australia-wide group which has published a monthly magazine with articles about railway history in Australia since 1938. This journal was originally called the 'ARHS Bulletin' and in later years 'Australian Railway History'. Many articles relating to WA can be found there, and an index has been prepared by volunteers in our NSW affiliate. You can search this index by clicking here.
An index has also been prepared for 'The Westland' produced by Rail Heritage WA. Copies of this journal are available in the State Library of WA, and at Rail Heritage WA Archives, while the index can be viewed here.
Information and galleries relating to Western Australian railways
Australian sites with significant WA information: