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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P05601-P05800

P05601667 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, Z class 62, platform ended clerestory roofed brakevan
P05602266 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, ADF class railcar set, Perth Station, Black & yellow chevrons on front
P05603264 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, DD class 595, suburban carriages, Claremont station
P05604271 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, turntable, water towers, loco depot, Fremantle
P05605225 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, PM class 712, Kalgoorlie, EGR line, goods train
P05606215 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, double headed locos on country passenger train in the Darling Ranges, ER line, photo taken from the train
P05607215 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, DD class 600, Midland, suburban passenger train
P05608202 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, G class 61, side and front view
P05609224 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, PR class 522 "Avon" on country passenger train, Midland
P05610216 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, Perth station, platform 1 deserted
P05611244 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, O class 209, side view, East Perth loco depot
P05612269 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, DD class 599, Claremont station, Fremantle bound suburban passenger train
P05613230 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, DD class 595, entering Claremont station, suburban passenger train
P05614195 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, station nameboard, Golden Gate, B line
P05615194 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, DM class 588
P05616214 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, station buildings, Midland, Junction
P05617193 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, MRWA loco B class 6, side and rear view, Midland
P05618174 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, DS class 379, Midland, suburban passenger train.
P05619182 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, PR class 522 "Avon", on country passenger train, Midland, same as P5609
P05620215 viewsVisit by the Vic Div of the ARHS, PR class, PM class, K class 37, water tower, loco depot, Kalgoorlie
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