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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P03201-P03400

P03321242 viewsA class 1512, "cheese knob" point lever, Esperance, CE line, front view, on the jetty
P03322242 viewsA class 1512, goods shed, yard, Esperance, CE line, end view of loco.
P03323255 viewsZ class 1153, A class 1512, tarpaulin covered wagons between the locos, end and side view of the Z class, Esperance, CE line.
P03324250 viewsZ class 1153, side view, Esperance, CE line
P03325279 viewsOverall view of the yard from the Coolgardie end, Esperance, CE line
P03326249 viewsJetty, Esperance, CE line, overall view along the Oil jetty from the shore end
P03327273 viewsJetty, Esperance, CE line, shows the damaged section of the Oil jetty from the shore end
P03328217 viewsJetty, Esperance, CE line, overall view along the Oil jetty at the seaward end.
P03329173 viewsAdelaide Timber company's traction engine "Snorting Liz", side view, driver B. Roberts, Wilga, c1925.
P03330164 viewsAdelaide Timber company's traction engine "Loco", front view, with a rake of log trucks, Wilga, c1921.
P03331181 viewsX class 1006 "NANGAMADA" diesel locomotive, front and side view, Perth, ER line.
P03332186 viewsX class 1006 "NANGAMADA" diesel locomotive, front and side view, Y class diesel shunting locomotive, front and side view, Perth, ER line.
P03333187 viewsA class 1507 diesel locomotive on a goods train, shunting, side and front view, Out-of shed in the background Tincurrin, NKM line.
P03334186 viewsR class 1905 diesel locomotive, ballast train, front and side view, Arrino, MR line.
P03335191 viewsAB class 1535 diesel locomotive, goods train, front and side view, Bencubbin, WLB line.
P03336224 viewsDA class 1576 and 1575 diesel locomotives, side and front view, grain train, second station building, Mogumber, MR line.
P03337206 viewsA class 1502 diesel locomotive, goods train, front and side view, Miling, CM line.
P03338247 viewsDL class 40 and 45, GM class 22 and 46 diesel locomotives on a freight train approaching West Kalgoorlie, two man crew on leading loco.
P03339199 viewsY class 1102 and 1107 diesel shunting locomotives, V class 1213 steam locomotive and JHR class 54 tanker. All belong to Ian Willis. Forrestfield.
P03340174 viewsE class 330 steam locomotive, side and front view, goods train.
200 files on 10 page(s) 7