P14261149 views3 of 4, Station building, side and end view, signal box, footbridge, island platform, Bassendean, ER line.
P14262146 views4 of 4, Station building, signal box, island platform, end view, seats, nameboard, footbridge, Bassendean, ER line.
P14263171 viewsStation buildings, island platform, platform furniture, Guildford, ER line.
P14264132 views1 of 3, Signal box, 'B' box, end and side view, signals, water column, Midland, ER line.
P14265135 views2 of 3, Signal box, 'B' box, end and side view, signals, water column, brakevan end and side view, Midland, ER line.
P14266120 views3 of 3, Signal box, 'B' box, end and side view, signals, water column, Midland, ER line.
P14267139 viewsStation buildings, end and front view, nameboard, platform, Cue, NR line.
P14268139 viewsStation buildings, side view, brakevan, Busselton, BB line.
P14269155 viewsStation buildings, end and side view, lever frame, part of goods shed, Mount Magnet, NR line.
P14270131 viewsStation building, end view, passenger platform, station clock, York, GSR line.
P14271128 viewsGoods shed, end and side view, loading crane, loading platform, nameboard, end of station building, Quairading, YB line.
P14272162 viewsStation buildings, end and side view, passenger platform, nameboard, 4-wheeled FD class louvre van, end and side view, Benger, SWR line.
P14273127 viewsStation buildings, front view, nameboard, fence, Benger, SWR line.
P14274161 viewsStation buildings, end and front view, nameboard, rail level platform, loading platform, Dwellingup, PN line.
P14275152 viewsStation buildings, end and side view, nameboard, platform flower pots, Pemberton, PP line.
P14276157 viewsOut Of shed, front and side view, rail level landing, nameboard, Boddington, PN line.
P14277151 viewsStation buildings, end view, lower quadrant semaphore signal, passenger platform, Beverley, GSR line.
P14278136 viewsGoods shed, end view, Northam, ER line.
P14279129 viewsStation buildings, front and end view, nameboard, passenger platform, platform furniture, Waroona, SWR line.
P14280138 viewsStation buildings, end and front view, passenger platform, nameboard, VW class workman's van, Mundijong, SWR line.
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