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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

A picture tells a thousand words - and in historical research,
a picture may often show something for which no words have been written.

Rail Heritage WA has collected photographs and images over many years and these are available for research purposes thanks to the assistance of Lotterywest.
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Home > print_P14001-P14200

P14021125 viewsStation precinct, Meekatharra showing the goods shed, loading platform, X class loco and wagons in the yard, overall view of the precinct
P14022137 viewsTrack, road overbridge, Meltham, ER line, view along the track looking east towards the bridge.
P14023134 viewsSignal Box B, Midland, ER line, end and trackside view.
P14024141 viewsSignal box, signals, yard, Narrogin, GSR line, view along the yard from the footbridge looking south.
P14025154 viewsCoal stage with the unloading shed, Northam loco depot, ER line, end view facing the coaling track
P14026142 viewsCoal stage with the unloading shed, Northam loco depot, ER line, end and rear side view.
P14027141 viewsTrack leading to the turntable, Northam loco depot, ER line, view along the track looking towards the turntable
P14028137 viewsLoading platform, platform crane with the hook tethered to a ring on the platform, goose neck lamp with the pole located on the platform, Pemberton, PP line
P14029122 viewsPassenger barrier in front of the ticket purchasing window, ticket office on the Barrack Street Bridge.
P14030138 viewsSignal box C, signals, Barrack street Bridge, Perth Station, view from across the tracks
P14031141 viewsStation buildings and platforms, Perth Station, overall view from the Barrack Street Bridge looking west.
P14032128 viewsParcels Office, Perth, end and streetside view, being demolished
P14033113 viewsParcels Office, Perth, view of the west end of the building, being demolished
P14034113 viewsCarriage Sheds, Perth, end and streetside view.
P14035138 viewsTicket Office and station entry, Perth Station, adjacent to the Barrack street Bridge, view across the tracks looking south.
P14036112 viewsBracket signals with shunting dollies near the Barrack Street Bridge, Perth Station, view across the tracks looking south.
P14037121 viewsSiding at Piesseville, GSR line, overall view of the precinct.
P14038116 viewsQP class 4478 bogie flat wagon for transporting pipes, side view
P14039123 viewsQP class 4478 bogie flat wagon for transporting pipes, side and end view
P14040196 viewsQRP class 11182-R bogie flat wagon, side view.
200 files on 10 page(s) 2