P14181104 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) standard gauge passenger carriage with wooden sides, end and side view.
P14182107 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) passenger train departing Kalgoorlie, TAR line, view along the train looking towards the loco
P14183123 viewsSignal, signal box, water tower, yard, Kalgoorlie, EGR line, view from the Maritana Street Bridge looking west
P14184114 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) C class 4-6-0 loco on a Trans train, TAR line, view along the train
P14185120 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) GM class diesel loco, front on view, nose of loco adorned with flags of Britain and the USA
P1418693 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) carriages, four of, side view
P14187113 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) K class 2-8-0 freight loco, side view.
P14188157 viewsX class at the Metropolitan Vickers works, Bowesfield, Stockton on Tees, UK, in works grey livery, group assembled in front of the loco
P14189127 viewsASA class 445, in cream and green livery with black and gold chevrons on the front, boiler end and side view
P14190107 viewsASA class 445, in cream and green livery with black and gold chevrons on the front, boiler end view
P14191134 viewsASA class 445 Sentinel steam railcar, newly painted, Midland Workshops, side but mainly boiler end view.
P14192134 viewsMarshalling Yard, West Merredin, elevated view looking east.
P14193124 viewsXB class 1017 "EWENYOON" double heading with another X class diesel loco hauling a consist of sheep wagons on a gravel ballasted single track agricultural line. "M" (multiple unit) disc displayed on the leading loco, same as colour photo P14103
P14194155 viewsCXA class sheep wagons, stock yard, wheat bin, loading the Stacey Sheep Train, Badjaling, YB line, elevated view along the track.
P14195127 viewsA class 1506, hauling a stock train (Stacey Lamb Train?), view along the train.
P14196172 viewsASG class 45, Kalgoorlie loco depot, EGR line, side view of the forward tank and smokebox showing the shortened boiler cowling
P14197149 viewsASG class 45, Kalgoorlie loco depot, EGR line, side view of the boiler and cab showing the shortened boiler cowling
P14198146 viewsASG class 45, Kalgoorlie loco depot, EGR line, side view of the bunker and rear tank.
P14199123 viewsW class 927, Kalgoorlie loco depot, EGR line, as new condition, side view of the cab and firebox.
P14200184 viewsPM class, G class 52, ASG class 46, Kalgoorlie loco depot, EGR line, side and rear view of the G class.
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