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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > trans_T04201-T04400

T04281155 viewsJetty train, Carnarvon, on jetty, rear and side view
T04282211 viewsAI class four wheel carriage, Carnarvon, body placed on a four wheel wagon, derelict
T04283196 viewsCS class 440 "JARRAH", Banksiadale, side and end view
T04284168 viewsG class 123, V class around the turntable, Bunbury loco depot, front and side view
T04285220 viewsADF class 495 "Banksia" on "The Shopper", hauling two AYU class carriages, Perth Station, front and side view
T04286204 viewsL class in original livery hauling a bogie flat wagon and a brakevan, East Perth Terminal, elevated view
T04287182 viewsBogie fuel tankers, standard gauge, end and side view
T04288193 viewsL class, B class, Y class, signals, Leighton yard, general view looking seawards
T04289172 viewsW classes double heading, Perth Station, looking forward from the tender, maybe an ARHS tour train
T04290283 viewsPMR class 722, road overbridge, Clackline, ER line, head on view hauling an ARHS tour train
T04291209 viewsL class, yard, Leighton, elevated view looking northwards
T04292196 viewsL class 262 in Westrail orange livery double heading with another L class on an ore train being loaded, front and side view
T04293196 viewsFlyover, narrow gauge, Bungulla, EGR line, view looking east
T04294208 viewsNo.6 flyover, narrow gauge, Meenaar, EGR line, view looking east
T04295257 viewsF class 46 in MRWA livery but with "WAGR" in circle on the nose, XB class 1017 "EWENYOON", RA class 1906, diesel depot, Midland Junction
T04296198 viewsXA class 1403 "WANBIRI", XA class "UNGARINYIN" double heading on a salt train being loaded
T04297252 viewsADX class 666, ADA class 770 in Westrail orange livery, Perth Station, front and side view
T04298196 viewsA class 1514, double heading, iron ore train, same as T1615
T04299209 viewsDouble headed L classes hauling the "Indian Pacific" interstate passenger train up a long embankment, the leading L class has the Indian Pacific headboard mounted on the front
T04300200 viewsW class loco, "Australind" set in all over green livery, "Bunbury Bridge", the "Australind", same as T0184, T1360, T1842
200 files on 10 page(s) 5