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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > trans_T03201-T03400

T03301133 viewsV class 1217, turntable, Collie, front and side view
T03302119 viewsSteam excavator, Zanthus, TAR line, rear view
T03303126 viewsSteam excavator, Zanthus, TAR line, front view
T03304124 viewsDouble headed V classes, goods train, view from rear looking forward, wagon with a yellow tarpaulin
T03305136 viewsPM class 730, front on view taken inside the Collie roundhouse
T03306145 viewsW class 943, double heading with V class 1217, Brunswick Junction, SWR line, ARHS tour train to Collie
T03307134 viewsW class 943, double heading with V class 1217, Brunswick Junction, SWR line, ARHS tour train to Collie, detached from train
T03308124 viewsW class 943, double heading with V class 1217,BN line, ARHS tour train to Collie,
T03309131 viewsV class 1215, Collie roundhouse, front and side view
T03310112 viewsW class being steam cleaned by a WAGR worker, Collie
T03311158 viewsP class 513, front and side view, Midland Workshops graveyard
T03312145 viewsPR class 534 "Irwin", N class 210, side views, Midland Workshops graveyard
T03313144 viewsPMR class 734, XA class hoppers, Pinjarra Yard, SWR line, coal train
T03314129 viewsPWD open carriage, Broome
T03315161 viewsW class 945, signal box (Linen store), signals, west end of Perth Station. W class operating HVR's "Festival Flyer",
T03316143 viewsDS class 371, rear and side view, water column, East Perth Loco depot
T03317176 viewsTunnel portal, Swan View, ER line, western portal after closure but with rails still in situ. The tunnel was officially opened in 1896, closed in 1966 and is 340 metres (1116 feet) in length.
T03318198 viewsW class 909, Pemberton, PP line, timber train with ZA class brakevan, crossing the recently filled in "1 mile" trestle bridge heading towards Manjimup. The deck of the trestle bridge still visible
T03319242 viewsMSA class 498 Garratt loco, level crossing, en route to Pinjarra from Dwellingup, PN line. Same as T1355
T03320140 viewsK class 190, Midland, shunting a MRWA brakevan,
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