T00601236 viewsMRWA C class 18
T00602166 viewsA class 11, on a plinth at the Perth Zoo, green livery, front and side view, on display.
T00603173 viewsGoods shed, West Merredin, EGR line, under construction
T00604193 viewsBridge, Kalgoorlie, Maritana Street, road bridge over railway
T00605229 viewsLoco depot, West Merredin, under construction
T00606189 viewsBarracks, Koolyanobbing, new
T00607170 viewsTrack work, yard, Koolyanobbing, looking east
T00608210 viewsWF class standard gauge flat wagons, (later reclassified to WFDY), loaded with sleepers, iron ore loading bins, Koolyanobbing, Standard Gauge
T00609182 viewsGoods shed, SM's office, Koolyanobbing, Standard Gauge
T00610198 viewsPassenger shelter, Koolyanobbing, Standard Gauge
T00611205 viewsTrack work, ballast regulator, between Southern Cross and Koolyanobbing, Standard Gauge construction
T00612235 viewsYardmaster's Ofice and control tower, marshalling yard, Leighton, looking south
T00613530 viewsJ class loco, grain wagons, Yardmaster's office, Leighton, looking south
T00614209 viewsStandard Gauge brakevans, grain hoppers, Leighton
T00615190 viewsConcrete bridge, Toodyay Bridge, narrow gauge, Miling Branch
T00616198 viewsMarshalling yard, Leighton, looking north
T00617184 viewsStation building, Kwinana, looking east
T00618159 viewsStation building, Kwinana, looking west
T00619171 viewsLoco refuelling depot, Kwinana, looking south
T00620160 viewsLoco refuelling depot, Kwinana, looking north
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