T00041245 viewsC class 1701, 60T "Cowans Sheldon" breakdown crane No.31, Swan View, ER line, clearing of smash
T00042185 views 60T "Cowans Sheldon" breakdown crane No.31, Swan View, ER line, clearing of smash
T00043175 views 60T "Cowans Sheldon" breakdown crane No.31, Swan View, ER line, clearing of smash
T00044182 views 60T "Cowans Sheldon" breakdown crane No.31, Swan View, ER line, clearing of smash
T00045176 views 60T "Cowans Sheldon" breakdown crane No.31, Swan View, ER line, clearing of smash
T00046212 viewsV class 1212, 60T "Cowans Sheldon" breakdown crane No.31, upper quadrant automatic signal, Swan View, ER line, goods train passing smash site
T00047177 views 60T "Cowans Sheldon" breakdown crane No.31, Swan View, ER line, clearing of smash
T00048196 viewsACL class Carriage, green livery, MRWA JV class carriage with blue stripe
T00049173 viewsZJ class 270, Perth, ER line
T00050282 viewsVY class 5000 bullion van, side and end view.
T00051143 viewsAY class 454 suburban passenger carriage, Perth Station, ER line
T00052167 viewsA class 1501, Midland loco depot, being refuelled.
T00053141 viewsX class 1015 "CHEANGWA", Perth Station, ER line
T00054127 viewsAQC class 340, side and end view
T00055158 viewsMRWA KA class 17, end and side view
T00056177 viewsAG class 39 Gilbert carriage with all over green livery and guards lookouts at end nearest camera, end and side view
T00057150 viewsALT class 5 track recorder car, ex ASA class steam railcar
T00058156 viewsAU class 320 suburban passenger carriage with brake compartment, in the Green and white livery with red stripe
T00059165 viewsAQZ class sleeping carriage
T00060167 viewsAZ class 1st class sleeping carriage, green and cream livery with a grey roof, end and side view.
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