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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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a picture may often show something for which no words have been written.

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Home > print_P13601-P13800

P13661126 viewsXA class coal hoppers, coaling plant, East Perth Loco Depot, elevated view looking across the tracks
P13662139 viewsK class 203 hauling a train of WW class grain hoppers, West Merredin, Standard Gauge line, first standard gauge grain train from Merredin
P13663128 viewsPR class 531 "Brunswick", side view
P13664143 viewsU class 652 in black livery, hauling a Down "Australind" in original green and cream livery, East Perth, c1947
P13665143 viewsWAGFS Co. G class type loco "Boulder" hauling three wooden water tank wagons and wagons loaded with firewood, front and side view.
P13666145 viewsPWD Andrew Barclay 0-4-0 loco PW31 shunting wagons on the jetty at Onslow.
P13667136 viewsADG class 601 in original green livery with yellow and black chevrons on the ends, side and front view
P13668118 viewsCowans Sheldon 60 ton crane No.31, steel girder bridge under construction, girder being lifted into place.
P13669186 viewsNortham station yard, elevated overall view from the footbridge of the east end of the yard looking west
P13670124 viewsMRWA A class 17, side and front view
P13671119 viewsG class type loco with extended smokebox, possibly SSM No.6, photographed amongst large Karri trees.
P13672153 viewsAV dining car, internal view showing part of the 44 seat eating area, view along the carriage showing passengers being served by waitresses.
P13673146 viewsAQ class sleeping carriage, internal view of a compartment with the bed made up.
P13674151 viewsAQ class sleeping carriage, internal view of a compartment with the bed made up and passenger in the bed.
P13675171 viewsStation building, original Perth station, trackside view, large crowd on the platform which is decorated with flags and foliage on the occasion of the granting of self government to the colony of Western Australia on the 21st of October, 1890
P13676175 viewsTrack, Bakers Hill, ER line, looking east.
P13677199 viewsStation platforms, abandoned, Clackline, ER line, view along the right of way, road bridge in the background.
P13678199 views Track, Clackline, ER line, view along the right of way, road bridge in the background.
P13679210 viewsTrestle bridge, Clackline, CM line, view from west side.
P13680217 viewsStation platforms, abandoned, Spencers Brook, ER line, view along track, hotel in background.
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