P13161166 viewsTurntable pit, Kanowna, Kalgoorlie to Kanowna line, the 50 foot turntable having been removed, view along the line of the abutments
P13162144 viewsLoading bank, Kanowna, Kalgoorlie to Kanowna line abandoned and derelict, main platform in the background.
P13163161 viewsWeighbridge pit, Kanowna, Kalgoorlie to Kanowna line, abandoned, view along the line of the pit.
P13164151 viewsStation building with nameboard, platform, Kamballie, B line, view across the track, mine poppet head in background.
P13165137 viewsStation building, platform, Kamballie, B line, end view of the station from along the tracks.
P13166168 viewsX class 1008 "WARRANGOO", station building with nameboard, Korbel, NWM line, side view across the track
P13167169 viewsProspector railcar set, platform, with shed, Kookynie, standard gauge KL line, 4 car set on ARHS tour train
P13168181 viewsTurntable pit, wheat bins, Kununoppin, GM line, pit abandoned with the table removed, view across the pit.
P13169178 viewsXB class 1018 "IMPIRRA" double heading with XA class 1403 "WANBIRI", Out of shed with nameboard, siding, Karlgarin, LH line, goods train.
P13170187 viewsA class 1501, wheat bin, Kukerin, WLG line, wheat train
P13171165 viewsXA class 1404 "PARDOO" double heading with XA class 1405 "WARIENGA", station building and Out of Shed, siding, Kulin, NKM line, goods train
P13172191 viewsXB class 1008 double heading with XA class "NOALA", two adjacent water towers, one with a 25,000 gallon cast iron tank and the other with a cylindrical corrugated iron tank, Kwobrup, KP line, goods train
P13173165 viewsYard, wheat bin with an over the track grain loader, Koorda, WLB line, overall view of the yard
P13174168 viewsWater tower with 25,000 gallon cast iron tank, Kylie, WB line, tank out of use.
P13175180 viewsXA class 1405 "WARIENGA" double heading with XA class 1407 "WIRNGIR", wheat bin, shed on raised platform with nameboard, Korbelka, NWM line, goods train
P13176142 viewsGroup photo of railway employees, porter Ernst Ford right hand end of the back row. Ernst Ford was only ever employed as a porter at Beverley, from 23rd August 1893 until 26th February 1895
P13177167 viewsLoading platform, abandoned and derelict, Lloyds Crossing, CM line, standard gauge in the background
P13178212 viewsXB class 1004 "KADJERDEN" double heading with XA class "YABAROO", station building, lever frame. Lake Grace. WLG end and trackside view of the buildings.
P13179166 viewsWater tower with a 25,000 gallon cast iron tank, water column and drain sump uprooted and lying on the ground, Menzies, KL line.
P13180175 viewsOut of shed, nickel loader, Malcolm, KL line, view along the track.
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