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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P10201-P10400

P10301160 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) GM class 40 double heading with a CL class loco, hauling the "Indian Pacific" interstate passenger train east towards Meltham, Maylands goods shed and station in the background, view along the train.
P10302149 viewsXA class 1408 "WOLMERI" double heading with another X type loco, ARHS tour train to York celebrating the thirty year anniversary of the X classes in service, crossing the steel girder bridge near Spencers Brook adjacent to the disused trestle bridge, GSR line (previously ER line)
P10303116 viewsXA class "UNGARINYIN" in Westrail orange livery, double heading with another XA class on a tour train entering Perth Station, view from the Barrack Street Bridge looking east.
P10304176 viewsA class 1502 in green livery hauling "The Westland" towards Perth through John Forrest National Park, ER line, small crowd of ARHS members from the "Christmas Outing" to National Park standing on the side of the track next to a ganger's trolley refuge
P10305130 viewsDS class 375 hauling country passenger carriages west away from Perth station, signal box (Perth B cabin), point rodding, signal wires, view along the train looking back towards the station.
P10306112 viewsA class 1509 in green livery, on "he Westland" overnight country passenger train with AH class carriages in the consist, signals, Kalgoorlie, EGR line, view along the train.
P10307148 viewsL class 257 in original livery hauling the "Indian Pacific" interstate passenger carriages west through East Guildford, elevated view from the footbridge looking west, Peerless Flour Mill in the background.
P10308108 viewsAA class 1517 in green livery hauling "The Kalgoorlie" country passenger train, Middle Swan, Avon Valley line, view along the train
P10309120 viewsADL class four car rail car set departing Fremantle for Perth, telegraph pole, signal box, Fremantle yard, station in the background, elevated view looking west.
P10310104 viewsDD class 600, suburban passenger train departing Shenton Park, ex MRWA brakevan behind the loco
P1031185 viewsA class 1508 in green livery on "The Westland" overnight country passenger train, view along the train
P10312126 viewsADK/ADB class four car railcar set, station building, Daglish, shows the hedges forming the name of the station
P1031391 viewsPMR class 731, goods train, cheese knob, yard, location Unknown, view along the train.
P10314200 viewsSA class bogie sheep wagon, as new, side and end view
P10315143 viewsY class loco in the Westrail orange livery hauling a train consisting of FD class vans over the Cockburn Road level crossing in Coogee, probably a wool train, signal gantry with searchlight signals in the background
P10316132 viewsRA class 1918 in green livery hauling a train of nickel containers and fuel tank wagons, Esperance, CE line, view along the train
P10317137 viewsF class 46 in green livery departing Kalgoorlie EGR line, with the "Mulga" mixed train consisting of four goods wagons, an ACL class carriage and a brakevan, bracket signal and Kalgoorlie station in the background
P10318143 viewsZ class 1153 in green livery with a train of GH class wagon with coal for the East Perth Power Station, hand pump visible of the side of the loco
P10319116 viewsC class,1702 in the Westrail orange livery with a train of tarpaulined wagons, East Guildford
P10320105 viewsRA class 1911 with a train of empty grain hoppers returning from Kwinana, elevated view of the train taken from the Rockingham Road over bridge.
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