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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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a picture may often show something for which no words have been written.

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Home > print_P12601-P12800

P12741171 viewsADB class ADK class four car railcar set, Perth Station, side and front view
P12742219 viewsADK class ADB class four class railcar set, Bayswater, view shows work on the new subway
P12743224 viewsSubway, Bayswater with advert for L.J.Wearne, Bayswater Estate Agency, side view, views show progress on the new subway.
P12744228 viewsC class 1703, signal box, Midland Station, view looking forward along the train to the loco, on "The Kalgoorlie".
P12745218 viewsC class 1703, signal, Midland Station, view looking along the train from the footbridge, on "The Kalgoorlie".
P12746158 viewsADF class 492 "Grevillea" stopped in a cutting with passengers alongside the train, head on view, tour train.
P12747241 viewsADF class 493 "Hovea", Wildflower set, Bridgetown, PP line, side and front view.
P12748195 viewsADF class 492 "Grevillea" "Wildflower" set, station buildings, East Northam, EGR line, overall view of train and station.
P12749181 viewsX B class 1017, ADX class single railcar, footbridge, Bunbury, SWR line, parked on the same section of line.
P12750147 viewsW class 904, York, Tour train, rear view of loco, loco having been turned running back to couple up to the train
P12751171 viewsO class 218, loco shed, Northam loco depot, rear and side view
P12752137 viewsPMR class 728, side and front view.
P12753158 viewsV class 1211, loco shed, water column, east Perth loco depot, parked on the apron at the Perth end of the shed.
P12754148 viewsLoco shed, east Perth Loco depot, shed being demolished, west side.
P12755156 viewsU class, DM class 582, East Perth Loco Depot, gasometer in the background.
P12756154 viewsLoco shed, East Perth Loco depot, shed being demolished, Perth end.
P12757146 viewsLoco shed, east Perth Loco depot, shed being demolished, view of west side and Perth end.
P12758153 viewsDD/DM class loco on a goods train with two ex standard gauge VWV class vans in consist, distant side on view.
P12759188 viewsNameboard, Wiluna, NR line, dilapidated.
P12760202 viewsGoods shed, Wiluna, NR line, end view, abandoned.
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