P12641201 views1 of 4 views of the head on collision of two trains hauled by D class 19 and A class 25 at Gingin, MR line, side view of the locos in contact with each other.
P12642313 views2 of 4 views of the head on collision of two trains at Gingin, MR line, view shows a wrecked SX class 10229 sheep van, WAGR D class 5002 van with a corrugated iron roof with a single torpedo ventilator, MRWA LC class bogie van
P12643195 views3 of 4 views of the head on collision of two trains at Gingin, MR line, view shows derailed wagons including a square water tank wagon, interested locals looking on
P12644184 views4 of 4 views of the head on collision of two trains at Gingin, MR line, view shows the body of a square water tank wagon and a wrecked sheep wagon
P12645181 views1 of 7 views of the derailment at Millendon on the 22nd December 1944, MR line, view shows a line of derailed wagons
P12646166 views2 of 7 views of the derailment at Millendon on the 22nd December 1944 MR line, derailed wagons
P12647173 views3 of 7 views of the derailment at Millendon on the 22nd December 1944, MR line, views shows bales of hay spilled from the derailed wagons
P12648158 views4 of 7 views of the derailment at Millendon on the 22nd December 1944, MR line, view shows bales of hat spilled from the derailed wagons
P12649177 views5 of 7 views of the derailment at Millendon on the 22nd December 1944, MR line, views shows derailed wagons including an upright MRWA AC class wagon
P12650153 views6 of 7 views of the derailment at Millendon on the 22nd December 1944, MR line, view shows derailed wagons
P12651167 views7 of 7 views of the derailment at Millendon on the 22nd December 1944, MR line, view shows derailed wagons
P12652179 views1 of 5 views of the collision at Moora, MR line between No.1 "down" and No.2 "up" trains, MRWA loco A class 26, WAGR van VB class 4307 derailed
P12653161 views2 of 5 views of the collision at Moora, MR line between No.1 "down" and No.2 "up" trains, derailed bogie of rolling stock
P12654181 views3 of 5 views of the collision at Moora, MR line between No.1 "down" and No.2 "up" trains, MRWA loco A class 26, WAGR R class bogie open wagon off the rails next to the loco
P12655165 views4 of 5 views of the collision at Moora, MR line between No.1 "down" and No.2 "up" trains, view of smoke box of A class 26 against end of VB class 4307
P12656187 views5 of 5 views of the collision at Moora, MR line between No.1 "down" and No.2 "up" trains, MRWA loco A class 26 against WAR van VB class 4307, van bogie off the rack
P12657189 viewsCrowd waiting for the Queen to arrive in Midland Junction, view shows the MRWA line that crosses the junction of Great Eastern Highway and Helens Street.
P12658190 viewsMRWA Railway Road Service "AEC" van with workers assembled along the side, side view
P12659171 viewsI of 3 views of the derailment at Muchea, MR line, row of derailed wagons
P12660167 views2 of 3 views of the derailment at Muchea, MR line, row of derailed wagons, row of derailed wagons including MRWA AC class 152
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