P12621205 viewsStation staff and dog, Albany, GSR line, group photo
P12622195 viewsL class 272 in Westrail orange livery, grain train being loaded at Avon Yard, front view of loco
P12623179 viewsL class 259 in Westrail orange livery, front and side view of the short hood end and cab
P12624169 viewsPlatform crane, Busselton, BB line, relocated to a new site, side view,
P12625163 viewsPlatform crane, loading platform, Manjimup, PP line, track lifted from yard.
P12626166 viewsPlatform crane, loading platform, Tambellup. GSR line, trackside and end view.
P12627205 viewsPlatform crane, loading platform, goods shed, Beverley, GSR line, end view
P12628162 viewsPlatform crane, Wyalkatchem, GM line, side and front view
P12629181 viewsGoods shed, platform crane, Walkaway, W line, trackside and end view
P12630199 viewsGoods shed, platform crane, Maylands, ER line, trackside view
P12631171 viewsPlatform crane, goods shed, Quairading, YB line, end and trackside view.
P12632199 viewsW class 907, FD class 13761, loading platform, platform crane, Pinjarra, SWR line, side and end view of platform.
P12633163 viewsPlatform crane with curved jib, Shackleton, YB line, side view
P12634151 viewsPlatform crane, Kondinin, NKM line, side view
P12635172 viewsLoading platform, platform crane, goods shed, Harvey, SWR line, end on view
P12636181 viewsGoods shed, Platform crane, partial view of KA class 19241-M, Goomalling, EM line, trackside and end view.
P12637173 viewsWater tower, Moora, MR line, Bill Medbury and Des Murray, Carriers with hose and cart in front of tower,
P12638186 views1 of 3 views of the derailment of No.4 Passenger 1.5 miles north of Wannamal, MR line. The derailment occurred on the 27th July, 1946 due to a washout at a culvert, view along the track showing the temporary track
P12639184 views2 of 3 views of the derailment of No.4 Passenger 1.5 miles north of Wannamal, MR line, view shows derailed carriages
P12640184 views3 of 3 views of the derailment of No.4 Passenger 1.5 miles north of Wannamal, MR line, end view of a J or JA class carriage
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