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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

A picture tells a thousand words - and in historical research,
a picture may often show something for which no words have been written.

Rail Heritage WA has collected photographs and images over many years and these are available for research purposes thanks to the assistance of Lotterywest.
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Home > print_P00601-P00800

P00621-1410 viewsES class 347, double heading with another ES class, bracket signal, signal box, Midland Junction station, goods train
P00621-2411 viewsES class 347, double heading with another ES class, signals, signal box, Midland Junction station, goods train. Same as P0621-1 but without heading.
P00622299 viewsWAGR Railway Road Service truck No.4 with a safety display mounted on the tray
P00623291 viewsBulk ammonium nitrate container No. 1504, being emptied into a road trailer, Meekatharra, gantry crane
P00624416 viewsThe ministerial train that took the official party to the opening of the Kalgoorlie - Menzies railway taken at the Great Boulder Goldmine, Kalgoorlie, AL class 5 inspection carriage, AN class 6 and AB class 38 Gilbert carriage in the consist.
P00625275 viewsDouble headed L classes on a grain train in the Avon Valley. Print is damaged
P00626251 viewsSinger patrol car, front view
P00627243 viewsPlasser narrow gauge tamper, Forrestfield, side view
P00628234 viewsPlasser standard gauge tamper, Forrestfield, in operation
P00629240 viewsThe Plasser tamping machines being officially handed over to Mr W. I McCullough, Chief Civil Engineer
P00630268 viewsLoco depot, Forrestfield Yard, under construction, aerial view
P00631283 viewsZ class 1151, front and side view, when new
P00632313 viewsES class 352, decorated for the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York
P00633299 viewsL class 268, heading "The Indian Pacific" train, East Perth Terminal
P00634263 viewsH class 3, Standard Gauge Construction, Avon Valley line, hauling a rail train, (Photo damaged) side view, when new
P00635238 viewsH class 1, front and side view, when new
P00636285 viewsAGS class 22 shower car, Perth Carriage Yard, side and end view
P00637268 viewsRailway Road Service truck No.15 with a display mounted on the tray promoting the WAGR
P00638307 viewsMRWA loco G class 51, front and side view, when new.
P00639385 views"Cowans Sheldon" 60 ton steam crane No.31 lifting PR class 533, East Perth loco depot
201 files on 11 page(s) 2