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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

A picture tells a thousand words - and in historical research,
a picture may often show something for which no words have been written.

Rail Heritage WA has collected photographs and images over many years and these are available for research purposes thanks to the assistance of Lotterywest.
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Home > print_P11201-P11400

P11381131 viewsFS class 365, LA class ballast wagons, ballasting new track in Kewdale yard. SWR line.
P11382186 viewsFS class 365, signals, platform, arriving Welshpool from Kewdale line. SWR line.
P11383215 viewsF class 43, dual gauge, standard gauge, narrow gauge junctions, work track to old ER line, backing demolition train onto old ER line, Bellevue Junction. Avon Valley line, ER line.
P11384227 viewsF class 43 in the MRWA livery with the "MR" motif on the nose, dual gauge, standard gauge, narrow gauge junctions, work track to old ER line, backing demolition train onto old ER line, ER junction disconnected, Bellevue Junction. Avon Valley line, ER line.
P11385166 viewsF class 43, pushing work train, below Swan View. ER line.
P11386197 viewsF class 43 in MRWA livery with "MR" motif on the nose, pushing work train, below Swan View. ER line.
P11387199 viewsF class 43, pushing work train, old up line dismantled, station building, platform, Swan View. ER line.
P11388185 viewsF class 43, pushing work train, old up line dismantled, east of Swan View. ER line.
P11389192 viewsF class 43, loading rail onto work train, Morrison Rd overbridge in background. ER line.
P11390178 viewsP class 515, P class, salvage yard, Midland Junction.
P11391288 viewsMSA class 496 with an extended bunker, salvage yard, Midland Junction. End and side view of the bunker and the cab, "Written Off" and "Not to be Cut Up" stencilled on the side of the bunker
P11392163 viewsWheels and other parts from cut up locos, salvage yard, Midland Junction.
P11393243 viewsE class 30, WAGR livery with red radiator grill, Midland Workshops.
P11394166 viewsU class 659, U class 653, storage, Midland Junction.
P11395137 viewsPR class, storage, Midland Junction.
P11396166 viewsP class 517, missing parts, scrap yard, Midland Junction.
P11397217 viewsLocos partially scrapped or awaiting scrapping, Midland Junction.
P11398157 viewsN class 201 in storage, Midland Junction.
P11399146 viewsN class 201 in storage, Midland Junction.
P11400300 viewsES class 308, in storage, not to be cut up or sold, Midland Junction.
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