P09921101 viewsYX 176, detail of loco numbers.
P09922136 viewsBunnings 53, derelict at Manjimup.
P09923134 viewsBunnings 11, boiler and frame, derelict at Manjimup.
P09924145 viewsBunnings 11, interior of cab, derelict at Manjimup.
P09925140 viewsState Sawmill Loco SSM 2, in steam, Deanmill.
P09926151 viewsSSM 2, tour train, Deanmill to Manjimup.
P09927141 viewsSSM 2, tour train, Manjimup sidings.
P09928136 viewsSSM 2, Manjimup sidings
P09929134 viewsSSM 2, tour train, loco fuel stacks, mill building behind.
P09930153 viewsNameplate "Hardie", S class 550, Bridgetown loco shed. PP line.
P09931182 viewsLoco shed, coaling stage, goods shed in background, W class locos in shed, S class 550 "HARDIE" on siding, Bridgetown. PP line.
P09932147 viewsS class 550 "Hardie", Bridgetown loco shed. PP line.
P09933147 viewsH class 18, derelict at Bunbury loco shed, workshop shed in background. SWR line.
P09934141 viewsCoal dump shed, view through spectacle plate of H class 18, Bunbury loco shed. SWR line.
P09935116 viewsH class 18, numberplate detail, Bunbury loco shed. SWR line.
P09936189 viewsFS class 362, UT class 664, east façade of loco shed, 'Not to be moved' sign on FS, East Perth loco shed. ER line.
P09937152 viewsFS class 362, UT class 664, east façade of loco shed, steam hose from FS to UT, East Perth loco shed. ER line.
P09938116 viewsUT class 664, numberplate detail.
P09939150 viewsUT class 664, detail view of rear of bunker, East Perth loco shed. ER line.
P09940187 viewsOverall view, east end of loco shed, FS class 362, UT class 664, W class 936, PMR class 734, also V class inside shed, one carrying headboard. East Perth loco shed, ER line.
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