P00461285 viewsVDR class 23118, side view, lettered "Peters Ice Cream" on side in red. c1958
P00462395 viewsVF class 23201 bogie louvered van, side and end view.
P00463282 viewsWA class 23453 bogie cool storage van, side and end view.
P00464270 views TA class bogie cattle wagon, side and end view.
P00465370 viewsQJG class 12151 bogie flat wagon with "Refrigerated Container" No.2002 on board, side and end view.
P00466371 viewsE class Fairlie No.2, later to be No.7. Geraldton, side view with all the Geraldton workshops staff in the view. The gentleman in the bowler hat is Mr Clough, the locomotive superintendent at Fremantle transferred to Geraldton to supervise the erection of Fairlie No.2, same as P0784
P00467351 viewsH class 22, side view, Midland Workshops, same as P7760.
P00468290 viewsE class 355, side and front view, early view,
P00469279 viewsMRWA E class 30, 0-6-0 diesel hydraulic loco, front and side view
P00470342 viewsASA class 445 Sentinel steam railcar, East Perth, side and front view
P00471352 viewsP class 441 (renumbered to P class 501 on 13/6/1947), Kalgoorlie Station, side view
P00472362 viewsP class 441 (renumbered to P class 501 on 13/6/1947), signal box, Kalgoorlie Station, side and front view
P00473333 viewsA class 1511 with "ER" headboard, Bunbury Station, SWR line, on the "Royal Train" which transported the Queen Mother to Bunbury. (ref: "The Westland", Jan 2004, page 14)
P00474487 viewsASG class 29 Garratt locomotive, water tower with a 25,000 gallon cast iron tank, Collie Loco depot, side and end view, taking water, BN line
P00475288 viewsPR class 529 "GASCOYNE", front and side view, on an ARHS tour train.
P00476326 viewsQCE class with two containers on board, Parkeston, KP line, side view
P00477286 viewsGroup photo of the Commonwealth Railways (CR) Transportation Staff, Traffic Branch at the Parkeston Depot
P00478298 viewsW class 901 as new, fully lined out, side view
P00479339 viewsWO class iron ore wagons derailed west of Merredin, bulldozer clearing the spilt iron ore
P00480355 viewsXBC class bauxite hoppers, derailed at Mundijong, SWR line, view along the train with XC class hoppers in the foreground, in the sequence with P00447-P00450
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