P08081179 viewsAbandoned and overgrown track, Ferguson's Tramway, Cookernup - Logue Brook
P08082148 viewsMillars loco No.67, Yarloop, side and front view
P08083145 viewsV class 1215 crossing a PM class or PMR class on goods train, photographers present
P08084158 viewsAdelaide Timber Co. loco "Red Nell". Wilga, front view amid scrap
P08085164 viewsAdelaide Timber Co. loco "Red Nell". Wilga, side view of tender amid scrap
P08086165 viewsSSM loco No.7, Pemberton, front and side view.
P08087177 viewsSSM loco No.7, Pemberton, side and front view.
P08088163 viewsBunnings Mill, Donnelly River, general overall view
P08089156 viewsAdelaide Timber Co. rail mounted truck "Oojah", derelict, side view
P08090158 viewsAdelaide Timber Co. loco No.71, East Witchcliffe, side and front view.
P08091150 viewsAdelaide Timber Co. loco No.71, East Witchcliffe, side and front view. Stowed with cover over the chimney
P08092157 viewsLoco "Polly" steam traction engine, Collie, side view
P08093148 viewsLoco "Polly" steam traction engine, Collie, side and front view
P08094161 viewsSSM loco No.8, Pemberton, side and rear view
P08095186 viewsCS class 270 "BLACK BUTTE", water column, water tower, Wuraming, ARHS tour train
P08096188 viewsW class 942, Nannup, WN line, tender equipped with "hungry boards", side and front view
P08097185 viewsW class 930, road over bridge, in cutting entering Bridgetown, PP line, goods train
P08098165 viewsTrestle bridge, Asquith, on the Banksiadale Mill line
P08099197 viewsCS class 270 "BLACK BUTTE", Banksiadale Mill, ARHS tour train
P08100189 viewsAA class 206, ex vice regal car, R class open bogie wagon with passengers, water tower, loco shed in background, Banksiadale Mill, ARHS tour train.
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