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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P06201-P06400

P06241195 viewsF class double heading with a P class, on "Christian Endeavour" special, National Park, ER line, view to front of train
P06242275 viewsE class, station buildings, Mullewa, NR line, Wiluna Express
P06243213 viewsNo.84 passenger between the Swan View tunnel and Swan View, ER line, clerestory roofed P van in consist
P06244204 viewsP class hauling No.86 passenger, between Bassendean and Bayswater
P06245188 viewsP class, Leonora, KL line, on mixed goods train
P06246165 viewsP class, Leonora, KL line, on mixed goods train
P06247348 viewsN class 87, approaching Bayswater, Belmont Branch signals and track in view
P06248165 viewsDS class 377 with extended side tanks, suburban passenger train
P06249154 viewsD class 378, East Perth loco depot, side and front view
P06250177 viewsFSL class 287, Greenmount, ER line, front and side view
P06251186 viewsE class double heading with a P class, No.83 passenger, near Swan View, ER line.
P06252201 viewsK class, South Fremantle, goods train
P06253165 viewsP class loco on No.84 passenger, Maylands
P06254248 viewsP class, signals, goods shed, signal box, Southern Cross, EGR line, on No.86 passenger train
P06255181 viewsFSL class 287, Greenmount, ER line, front and side view, goods train, same as P6250
P06256177 viewsD class, ex Kellerberrin on freight train to Woolundra. EGR line
P06257164 viewsD class fitted with a K class chimney, double heading with an L class, goods train.
P06258453 viewsPR class 138 "Ashburton", Kalgoorlie Express, Governor railcar in distance, east of Bayswater, shows tracks of the Belmont Branch, Jack Stanbridge up signal pole
P06259203 viewsPerth Carriage sheds, signals, Perth Yard looking east, taken from the Melbourne Road crossing.
P06260220 viewsRBW class 11216 and a KW class. Both labelled "Bulk Wheat Only", Kellerberrin, EGR line, end and side view
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