P05821203 viewsL class 267 in original livery, long hood end and side view
P05822188 viewsP class 2001 "Shire of Mingenew" double heading with P class 2002 "Shire of Moora", front view, grain train
P05823215 viewsStaff cabin, located at junction 404 mile, 40 Chains, near Widgiemooltha, shows the narrow gauge track within the standard gauge track,
P05824225 viewsPWD loco "Kia Ora", with H class 18, Bunbury, twin water towers in background.
P05825210 viewsMillars loco No.70 shunting train at Yarloop, SWR line, FDM class louvered van in consist
P05826204 viewsRA class 1913, woodchip wagons, woodchip loader, wagons being loaded
P05827179 viewsMember and then Secretary of Railways, W. T (Trevor) Tobin, portrait
P05828195 viewsWAGR employees, Train and electric light (TEL) staff, Perth, group photo
P05829184 viewsAI class 258, 4 wheeled carriage, Midland Workshops, recently restored, section of side showing First class compartment.
P05830191 viewsAI class 258, 4 wheeled carriage, Midland Workshops, recently restored, section of side showing First class compartment with door open.
P05831215 viewsAI class 258, 4 wheeled carriage, Midland Workshops, recently restored, side view with workers leaning out of the windows.
P05832198 viewsAI class 258, 4 wheeled carriage, Midland Workshops, recently restored, end and side view.
P05833236 viewsG class 233, station buildings, Benger, SWR line, "Vintage Train" at platform
P05834199 viewsG class 55, Barronhurst, PP line, timber train
P05835176 viewsG class, Jarrahdale, hauling a log train entering mill
P05836220 viewsFS class 449, water column, Narrogin, GSR line, rear of tender and side view, same as T2006.
P05837214 viewsW class 933, double heading with S class 545 "Dale", Williams, BN line, shunting while on No.108 goods from Narrogin to Collie
P05838236 viewsPM class 708 double heading with V class 1222, Narrogin, GSR line, on No.16 goods for York
P05839259 viewsA class 1502, Kalgoorlie, EGR line, with "The Kalgoorlie" headboard, side and front view
P05840271 viewsV class 1217, Bowelling, BN line, on No.104 goods from Narrogin to Collie
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