P1956162 viewsRCH class 24331-V, high sided wheat wagon with a roof, yellow livery with a blue Westrail symbol on the right hand end of the side, side view
P1956256 viewsRCH class 24331-V, high sided wheat wagon with a roof, yellow livery with a blue Westrail symbol on the right hand end of the side, side and end view
P1956372 viewsRCW class 24280 high side whet wagon, Brown livery covered by a yellow and orange tarpaulin, "Bulk Grain" stencilled on the side, Brookton, GSR line, end and side view
P1956452 viewsRBW class 11212, bogie open wagon, yellow livery with "ARHS" and "Bulk Grain" stencilled on the side, small blue Westrail symbol on the right hand end of the side, Midland, mainly a side view.
P1956554 viewsRBW class 11212, bogie open wagon, yellow livery with "ARHS" and "Bulk Grain" stencilled on the side, small blue Westrail symbol on the right hand end of the side, Midland, side view, shows the opposite side to P19564
P1956656 viewsRBW class 11226 bogie open wagon, with cane hoops, yellow livery, Forrestfield, side and end view
P1956767 viewsStation building, Narrogin, GSR line, elevated view from the footbridge, east side and end view, shows the degree of rationalisation of the yard by 2002
P1956863 viewsStation building, Narrogin, GSR line, elevated view across the yard from the footbridge looking east, shows the degree of rationalisation of the yard by 2002
P1956956 viewsNameboard, ladies waiting room, Kondinin, NKM line, view across the yard
P1957058 views1 of 6 images of Millars workshops at Yarloop, view looking south, Saw Doctor's shop on the left, Mill store on the right, sand shed in the centre, main workshop in the rear.
P1957154 views2 of 6 images of Millars workshops at Yarloop, north end of the main workshop in the centre, blacksmith's shop on the left, saw shop on the right
P1957251 views3 of 6 images of Millars workshops at Yarloop, vie looking south, north end of the main workshop on the left, sand shed on the right
P1957358 views4 of 6 images of Millars workshops at Yarloop, view looking south, main workshops on the right, carriage building section in the centre
P1957466 views5 of 6 images of Millars workshops at Yarloop, view looking south, main workshop boiler house on the left, furnace moulding section in the background
P1957553 views6 of 6 images of Millars workshops at Yarloop, view looking south, Saw Shop on the left.
P1957672 viewsShell depot, Goomalling, out of use, "Shell" sign, all track lifted, view through the gate
P1957764 viewsGoods shed, fire hose box, Goomalling, XX line, end and rear view
P1957852 viewsGoods shed, Harvey, SWR line, end and rear view
P1957981 viewsStation building, nameboard, platform trolley. Harvey, SWR line trackside and end view
P1958058 viewsGoods shed, Harvey, SWR line, side and end view, shows the access opening in the high side
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