P1644167 viewsDriver's controls, interior of ADE class "Governor" railcar, close up view
P1644261 viewsADE class "Governor" railcar, canopy, platform, signal, Perth station, end and side view
P1644397 viewsADE class 446 "Governor Stirling" railcar, platform, part of the station building, Sawyers Valley, M line, side and end view
P1644459 viewsADE class "Governor" railcar, with engine compartment doors open, close up of diesel unit, partial side view
P1644560 viewsADE class "Governor" railcar, platform, canopy, overhead bridge, Perth station, side and end view
P16446118 viewsADE class 446 , "Governor Stirling", part of the station building and the station master's house in the view, Glen Forrest, M line, side and front view
P1644776 viewsADE class railcar, "Governor Bedford", after collision with Chevrolet truck, workers digging out truck, Geraldton, c1937
P1644859 viewsThree ADE class "Governor" railcars, East Perth loco depot, side and end views
P1644992 viewsADE class "Governor" railcar, platform, station building, Sawyers Valley, ER line, end and side view
P1645065 viewsADE class railcar, "Governor Bedford", Bayswater, ER line, side and end view
P1645164 viewsTwo ADE class "Governor" railcars, Bairds building, station building, platform, canopy, Perth station, end and side views
P1645267 viewsTwo ADE class "Governor" railcars, AG class carriage, road bridge, hoardings, Perth station
P1645364 viewsADE class "Governor" railcar, with trailing carriage, signal, footbridge, Maylands, ER line, side and front view
P1645454 viewsADE class "Governor" railcar, signal, Mount Lawley, ER line, side and front view, c1938
P1645557 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) passenger coach, with open end platform and clerestory roof, end and side view
P1645658 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) C class 63, stopped on passenger train, sleeper pile, scotch block, workers, TAR line
P1645766 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) C class 63, taking on water, water towers, TAR line, side view
P1645859 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) C class 67,TAR line, side and front view
P1645972 viewsTwo Commonwealth Railways (CR) C class locos, on passenger trains, crossing at Karonie, TAR line
P1646058 viewsCommonwealth Railways (CR) G class 19, on passenger train, C class loco, Karonie, TAR line, side and front view, c1932
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