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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

A picture tells a thousand words - and in historical research,
a picture may often show something for which no words have been written.

Rail Heritage WA has collected photographs and images over many years and these are available for research purposes thanks to the assistance of Lotterywest.
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Home > print_P16201-P16400

P1628198 viewsThe coal loading tower at East Perth locomotive depot with the wagon unloading shed in the middle. A rake of loaded XA class coal wagons are waiting to ne unloaded.
P1628299 viewsAn overhead view of the western end of Claisebrook train station prior to the major changes as part of the Perth electrification project.
P16283103 views Mount Barker railway station and platform depicted in the 1980s.
P16284139 viewsStrengthening work being carried out at the eastern end of the Mount Lawley Subway in preparation for the standard gauge project.
P1628562 viewsA platform scale at an Unknown station platform.
P16286113 viewsA tour train at Toodyay station with the goods shed at the right and gang sheds on the left.
P1628796 viewsPassengers on the platform at Toodyay after arriving on a tour train.
P1628872 viewsObservers looking at Windmill Hill cutting in the Avon Valley. This was the largest rail cutting in the Avon Valley.
P1628973 viewsThe front of the Coolgardie Railway Station now set up as a Railway Museum.
P1629076 viewsAn overhead view of the Kalgoorlie Railway Station looking east after the introduction of the standard gauge railway.
P1629191 viewsBusselton Railway Station prior to the closure of the station. This building is now in place on the Busselton foreshore.
P1629281 viewsAn overhead view of the eastern end of Perth Station from the Barrack Street Bridge.
P1629381 viewsPlatform crane mounted on a concrete base attached to a loading platform, tracks lifted in the yard, siide view, location unknown
P1629485 viewsEastern end of Kalgoorlie Station showing passenger and freight main lines with trackage to the former 'Trans' dock also evident. Photo taken from Maritana Street Bridge.
P1629586 viewsKalgoorlie Station platform looking east to Maritana Street bridge. Passenger main line in foreground while freight main line is to left.
P16296111 viewsBunbury Station with possibly the last Australind to service the station. Y class diesel shunter in view. Interesting there are no high visibility clothing evident.
P1629793 viewsA Daihatsu 4 wheel drive hi-rail vehicle 'on track' at Bolgart, CM line. The vehicle is used by per way workers for track inspection.
P1629899 viewsPingelly Railway Station with a 4 wheeled covered van in the foreground.
P16299100 viewsDarkan Railway Station with a loading platform to the left of the building and a ramp leading up to the building.
P16300119 viewsSubiaco Station and yard as seen from the western end. The semaphore signals relate to trains leaving the yard and goods loop,
200 files on 10 page(s) 5