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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P15201-P15400

P1538173 viewsRA class 1907 diesel locomotive pictured at Midland Workshops. A black & white production of P3787.
P1538280 viewsT class 1801 diesel electric shunting locomotive and shunters float pictured at Midland Yard. ER line.
P1538384 viewsTA class 1807 diesel electric shunting locomotive pictured within the confines of Midland Workshops.
P1538476 viewsH class 2 standard gauge diesel locomotive, minus front & rear cowcatchers, at Midland Workshops.
P15385106 viewsA Class 1506 diesel locomotive pictured on first run after delivery, Jarrahdale. This locomotive was the first narrow gauge locomotive fitted with dynamic brakes.
P1538685 viewsG class 50 diesel locomotive in Midland Railway colours of maroon and cream at Midland Workshops. The MR emblem is circled on the nose of the locomotive.
P1538778 viewsF class 45 diesel locomotive with a blank circle on the nose. The locomotive is pictured at Midland Workshops with portion of an unidentified steam locomotive in the background.
P1538890 viewsK class 201, 203, 206, & 209 standard gauge diesel locomotives hauling a standard gauge iron ore train to Kwinana just south of the Welshpool Road flyover. The consist included 81 WO class ore wagons and a brakevan for about 7900 tons.
P1538984 viewsF class 40 diesel locomotive restored to its original colour scheme pictured at the north end of Forrestfield Locomotive depot.
P15390109 viewsGML class 10 standard gauge diesel locomotive, owned by Goldsworthy Mining, pictured at Forrestfield Locomotive depot prior to being road hauled to the North West.
P15391121 viewsKia Ora steam locomotive restored for display at the 1978 Royal Show at Claremont. The locomotive is painted in the colour scheme used by Millars Karri & Jarrah Co. Ltd.
P1539297 viewsYX class 176 steam locomotive working on the Donnelly River to Yornup timber line. This locomotive was formerly a South Australian Railways 'YX' class. H class 3146 low sided wagon is behind the front of the locomotive. The tender is loaded with wood for the fire.
P15393102 viewsV class 1202 narrow gauge steam locomotive and L class 262 standard gauge diesel locomotive crossing their respective trains in the Avon Valley. The V class was the largest steam locomotive and the L class was the largest diesel locomotive on the WA system.
P1539494 viewsCBH Group loco CBH class 009 on the line passing through the Rail Transport Museum, end and side view.
P15395101 viewsCBH Group loco CBH class 010 on the line passing through the Rail Transport Museum hauling two CBHN class grain hoppers to UGJ's plant, Bassendean, front and side view.
P15396108 viewsCBH Group CBHN class grain hoppers on the line through the Rail Transport Museum being hauled to UGL's plant, Bassendean, end and side view.
P15397100 viewsCBH Group locos CBH class 017 and CBH class 025, long hood leading, passing through the Rail Transport Museum site onto UGL's plant, Bassendean, side and end view
P15398100 viewsCBH Group loco CBH class 008 passing through the Rail Transport Museum site after departing UGL's plant in Bassendean, front and side view
P1539999 viewsPacific National loco, NR class 46 leading NR class 110 and AN class 9 on the line passing through the site of the Rail Transport Museum departing after delivering Mineral Resources loco MRL class 003 to UGL's plant, Bassendean, front and side view
P15400124 viewsPacific National loco, NR class 110 and AN class 9 trailing NR class 46, on the line passing through the site of the Rail Transport Museum departing after delivering Mineral Resources loco MRL class 003 to UGL's plant, Bassendean, front and side view
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