P15081104 viewsRailway Barracks, Hyden, LH line, end view
P1508299 viewsRailways Barracks, curved roofed small shed at one end, Hyden, LH line, rear and end view.
P15083105 viewsTraffic Office station building, Esperance, CE line, end and side view
P1508499 viewsPlatform crane with tie down hook, Ravensthorpe, HR line
P15085101 viewsPlatform crane with curved jib, goods shed, Ongerup, TO line, end and rear view.
P1508698 viewsOut of Shed, goods shed, disused, Ongerup, TO line, end and rear view
P1508794 viewsGoods shed, Out of Shed, Ongerup, TO line, distant rear view
P15088101 viewsStation building with water tank, Woodanilling, GSR line, trackside and end view
P15089102 viewsStation building, telegraph pole, Woodanilling, GSR line, rear and side view, track maintenance vehicles on the loop
P15090108 viewsWater tower, abandoned, Kylie, WB line, side and end view
P15091103 viewsWater tower, abandoned, Kylie, WB line, end view with a "K" on the side.
P15092103 viewsEx MRWA DE class 40512 half louvered van stencilled for explosives traffic.
P15093106 viewsDE class 40512 and EBE class 15310 vans stencilled for explosives traffic.
P15094109 viewsVA class 10219 bogie covered van.
P1509586 viewsMS class 12090 tank wagon used for carrying dry sand for loco sand boxes.
P15096109 viewsJOB class 12157 bogie flat fitted with a former fuel tank wagon.
P15097205 viewsTwo former V class steam locomotive tenders utilised for use on the Weedex train.
P15098115 viewsZJA class 433 passenger brakevan painted in Westrail yellow.
P15099101 viewsVW class 3347 bogie van in use as a workman's van.
P15100274 viewsD class 40503 , ex MRWA BLA class 816, 4 wheel half louvered van utilised for use in the Geraldton district. NR line, end and side view
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