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Rail Heritage WA Archive Photo Gallery

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Home > print_P17401-P17600

P1754185 viewsV class 1209, with "Australian Railway Historical Society" nameboard, on tour train, station building, platform, points, York, GSR line, ARHS tour
P1754283 viewsV class 1209, with "Australian Railway Historical Society" nameboard, pointwork, shed, York yard, GSR line, ARHS tour
P1754385 viewsV class 1224, on No 11 goods train, Popanyinning, GSR line, front and side view
P1754488 viewsV class 1224, on No 11 goods train, rural countryside, Popanyinning, GSR line
P17545109 viewsW class 908, W class 927, watering at Cambray, van (part), water tower, WN line, ARHS Reso tour
P17546113 viewsW class 908 with "Australian Railway Historical Society" nameboard, W class 927, double heading ARHS Reso tour train, station buildings, Jarrahwood, WN line, ARHS Reso tour
P17547126 viewsRake of carriages comprising tour train, goods shed, Nannup, WN line, rear and side view, ARHS Reso train
P1754889 viewsDemolition of station, building being dismantled, West Midland, ER line
P17549108 viewsDemolition of station, building being dismantled, platform, station nameboard, West Midland, ER line
P17550174 viewsX class 1013 "BOONARA", crossing dual gauge track on Clackline branch, road bridge, two train spotters, Toodyay, CM line
P17551108 viewsZ class 1153, Bunbury yard, end and side view
P1755293 viewsStation building, trackside shed, hand luggage trolley, cars parked, station nameboard, Parkeston, TAR line, c1968
P17553131 viewsADF class 493 "Hovea" with two ADU class passenger trailers, crossing wooden trestle bridge, Boyanup, PP line, ARHS tour to Bridgetown
P17554122 viewsADF class 493 "Hovea" with two ADU class passenger trailers, YX class 86 on timber train, pointwork, Yornup siding, PP line, ARHS tour
P1755586 viewsX class 1005 "MEANANGER", side view, c1968
P1755696 viewsADF class 492 "Grevillea" railcar, with two ADU class passenger trailers, bracket signals, shed, front and side view, c1968
P17557110 viewsFour car "Australind" set, comprising ADP class 101, ADP class 102, ADQ class 121, ADQ class 122, arriving Perth city, trackwork in foreground, shops in background, SWR line
P1755886 views1 of 6 W class 916 steam locomotive heads Holiday weekender, "Coach attached", side and front view.
P17559129 views2 of 6 PMR class 731 and PMR class 730 steam locomotives, front and side view, shunts on the 104 goods train, stockyards, Darkan, BN line.
P17560131 views3 of 6 AQZ class 415 sleeping carriage and AQZ class 419 sleeping carriage fitted with a small buffet on the Holiday weekender, end and side view, Collie, BN line.
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