General Contact
Enquiries concerning the society should be forwarded to:
The Secretary,
Rail Heritage WA,
PO Box 363,
Bassendean, WA, 6934.
or by email to:

General Meetings
Meetings of Rail Heritage WA are normally held on the second Saturday of each month, in the entrance building at the Railway Museum, 136 Railway Parade, Bassendean.
The meeting commences at 2pm with a short business session followed by entertainment such as photographs or a guest speaker.
Please note that we do not usually meet in the heat of January, and the June meeting is normally the society's Annual General Meeting so there may be no entertainment section.
To check on meetings, see the calendar here:
Meetings Calendar.
Our Constitution can be
downloaded here.
Visitors are always welcome.
New Members are always welcome.
Enquiries regarding membership should be sent to the membership secretary at the address below.
Printout a
Membership Form here or right click and download.
For current members wishing to renew their subscriptions, please
click here.
To contact the society Membership Secretary, email:
As Rail Heritage WA is run completely by volunteers, persons are welcome to assist with various activities including:
- Opening the museum and welcoming visitors
- Restoration of our collection items
- Museum maintenance
- helping in similar ways at Boyanup
- Administration
South-West residents can also help in similar ways at the South West Rail and Heritage Centre in Boyanup, in which Rail Heritage WA is a principal partner.
Please forward your details and interest so that the relevant person can contact you and organise an interview and visit to:

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